If you’re like me and your fed up of voting for the same three useless political parties in the UK who seem to be only there for their own benefit and for no benefit whatsoever of the public that blindly vote for them. Then here are some alternative political parties in the UK you could try out. My first suggestion is the well known Official Monster Raving Loony Party . Their leader is Alan “Howlin Laud” Hope. They’ve been around since 1963 and in 2008 they have a very succesfull candidate by the name of Mad Cow Girl, who bought in 412 votes. Here’s some of the party’s manifesto for 2010. - Add the Loch Ness Monster to the endangered species list - A 99p coin, which will help save on change. - Make it illegal for superheroes to use their powers for evil My next choice is the Pirate Party , which was formed only last year. They are apparently the party for the 21 st century. Their main aims are toward reforming copyright and patent ...
Been around for almost 11 years now and seeing as it took me that long to realise that I'd like to write more, I thought I might as well restart where I started first. So 2021, here goes nothing!